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Societe.TechMarketingTruepush- Free Push Notifications with Advanced Features

Truepush- Free Push Notifications with Advanced Features

Truepush has achieved many milestones in its phenomenal journey and is one of the fastest-growing websites in the push notification industry. With the new updates regularly, our tool is multiplying the growth and enhancing push service. At present, Truepush has achieved 42K+ clients from all over the world. With the increase in the number of clients, we are scaling up to provide better service. Now, we are capable of sending 1.5 B notifications per day with a 100% delivery rate.

Click on the link to know more:

Truepush Free Push Notification Service
Truepush Free Push Notification Service

Louis Parmentier
Louis Parmentier
Diplômé d'HEC Paris et ancien membre de l'incubateur de l'école, j'ai créé plusieurs startups dans le web, les médias et la culture. Passionné par le journalisme, j'ai lancé Societe.Tech en 2015 afin de suivre l'actualité des entreprises et des logiciels SaaS. Je publie des articles ainsi que des interviews sur les entrepreneurs et sur les éditeurs de logiciels.
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